Tuesday, 3 February 2009

The theme tune to my premature downfall

Not since the classic trance take on the Braveheart theme (genius), has there been such a brave yet inappropriate remix of a song most would shy away from even attempting to to give 180bpm makeover. Yet some one has trumped it, at least with braveness anyway. I give you.... Hallelujah in the mix!!!

OK so its not exactly what I hoped for, but it fulfills something quite special inside my soul that I was completely unaware was missing. To some it may be a little musically sacrilegious , but to be honest I think those people undoubtedly lost faith in the future dignity of the song, when its owner sold it to Simon Cowell for a bajillion pounds, to be X-tracted of any of its original emotional value and instead replaced with a beautiful gold dollar value sticker instead.

Personally I would have held back some what on the cheap synthesizer piano riff and maybe thrown in a little bit of vocal. Say, some squeaky sped up Scooter style chorus or even some VOCODER! Everyone loves vocoder , or this super popular Auto-Tune effect which seems to have been spunked over every current Hip-Pop tune going. Imagine Alexandra/Leonard/Jeff/Rufus (delete as appropriate)with some brill Cher-like vocals. Yum.

I guess I'm not actually posting the song because I love it, instead because I love the idea. I know for a fact given the right amount of booze and poppers, my captivated club audience (amazingly I have a small one) would be dancing they're woes away and casting any previous doubts of the song to the gutter. In the gutter, because after posting this, anyone who was even considering booking me as a selector of quality music has suddenly lost my phone number, and the only place you will hear me play is in the street, off of my phone.

Oh who am I kidding this is just a glorified ring tone. Some one please create an amazing remix of Hallelujah for me, you didn't get me anything for my birthday.

Anyway in honour of the 'song' I now present you with some of my personal favourite inappropriate mixes, inappropriate is the wrong word, lets say unexpected with a pinch of mild disgust. Start running a bath, you will feel very dirty by the end of this.

The previously mentioned Braveheart theme.

Mr Ludvig Beethovens Moonlight Sonata on Serbian speed pills.

I don't even know what I can say about this, except maybe, I'm sorry.