Jason Nevins truly rules my remix world. Yes the same Jason Nevins from the classic 90s rejig of Run DMCs 'Its like that'.
Any good pop song from the last 5 years at least, which you hoped some one, some where had remixed, has in fact probably been remixed already by this god of unnecessary mixes.
Hes almost prolific in his dedication to jazzing (not the bad kind of jazzing, like actual jazz, the good kind, like "ooh i feel jazzy from that kilo of mandy in me blood") up Kelly Clarkson songs. Even the sad slow ones. To be honest i often enjoy them most. There is nothing like a little cry whilst staring at a laser on pills, surrounded by a bajillion sweaty friends. Its my version of a crank (a crying wank, as recommended by my friend Gareth).
So today, the 20th of October, is officially Jason Nevins Remix day on The Dazzle Diaries. This is also because, if I stop listening to dance remixes of Leona Lewis I will start to remember that the reason i want to cry is because i just had my phone, laptop and iPod stolen from my room at a party we had on Friday, and i will feel too sad and die. Anyway blah blah blah I didn't even like them that much.
So here for your aural enjoyment are a few handpicked JN mixes. They're not the most, amazing, original mixes ever but, they most defiantly get the job done. Go on, let go and enjoy. and maybe cry at the same time. I will be.
p.s Don't you think he's getting good at those sexy eyes, or 'smiling with your eyes' as Miss Banks would say.
Ummm and for all those High School Musical fans out there, I didn't even know JN had done these remixes until I searched for the others on the Tube, they are, for want of word, strangely enthralling/disgusting.